[Python-bugs-list] PRIVATE: Unhandled exception in python.exe (MSVCRTD.DLL): 0Xc0000005: Access Violation (PR#364)

tong@aristotech.com tong@aristotech.com
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 18:38:42 -0400 (EDT)

Full_Name: Siu-Tong Hui
Version: 1.5
OS: win NT
Submission from: node-d8e9472.powerinter.net (

We just moved to msvc6.0 and since then, some of our developers (including
myself)will crash on following every time we run from msvc debugger:

    //  test if previous entry was free with an index change or allocated
    if (!((sizePrev & 1) == 0 && indPrev == indEntry))
        //  connect pEntry entry to indEntry
        //  add entry to the start of the bucket list
        pHead = (PENTRY)((char *)&pGroup->listHead[indEntry] - sizeof(int));
        pEntry->pEntryNext = pHead->pEntryNext;
        pEntry->pEntryPrev = pHead;
        pHead->pEntryNext = pEntry;
        pEntry->pEntryNext->pEntryPrev = pEntry;

I'm using NT4.0 service pack 6 but developers who use service pack4 and pack5
also encouter this problem.

We use python/tk.