gui2py 2nd alpha (0.9b): "pythoncard spin-off" with python 3 + wx phoenix support, released

Mariano Reingart reingart at
Wed May 8 21:02:32 CEST 2013

I'm glad to announce the second alpha release of gui2py, a simple &
powerful GUI framework (derivated from PythonCard) for agile
development of modern cross-platform "visual" desktop applications on
Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, using the Python language and the
wxPython toolkit.

The focus of this release was to add support for Python 3 and the
Phoenix project (the upcoming wxPython version 3.0), but it also looks
for compatibility between multiple python and wxPython versions, from
py2.5 to py3.3, and wx2.8 (stable) to wx2.9 (classic & phoenix).

Changelog 0.9a -> 0.9b:

 * fixed support for py2.5 wx2.8 ("stable")
 * added support for py3k & wx2.9.5.81 phoenix
 * minor fixes
 * conversion / setup / build scripts

Installers and source archive can be downloaded from:

Installation guide and screenshots were also updated (including py3k
and phoenix):

Best regards,

Mariano Reingart

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