New package: pySNA - Social Network Analysis library

Mehmet Gencer mgencer at
Mon Mar 10 13:28:57 CET 2008

Social Network Analysis(SNA) methods are applied in a variety of social
science problems to quantify features of relationships between people or
organizations. Some example application areas are scientific
co-authorship analysis, inter-firm strategic partnership relations, open
source collaboration communities, etc.

Most SNA methods are based on representing social structures as graphs,
but uses its own ways to meausure graph features. pySNA is a library
which can be used for manipulation, analysis and visualization of graphs
to represent social networks. It has features for dynamic, longitudinal
analysis of social networks, which is not common in other SNA software.
pySNA uses power of Graphviz, Numpy and RPy for visualization and
statistical analysis.

I am developing pySNA on my own, as a part of my PhD study. If you have
questions, bugs to report, or features you'd like to see in pySNA,
please contact me directly: mgencer at

pySNA is released under the terms of GNU General Public License, v3.

Mehmet Gencer
<P><A HREF="">pySNA - Python Social
Network Analysis Library - v0.3.0</A> Library for manipulation,
visualization, static and dynamic analysis of social networks. (10-Mar-2008)

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