ANN: Twisted 0.99.3 - release candidate for Twisted 1.0 Developer Platform

Itamar Shtull-Trauring
Sun, 6 Oct 2002 13:51:32 -0400

The Twisted team is proud to announce Twisted 0.99.3, our release candidate for Twisted 1.0 Developer Platform.

For more information, visit, join the list at or visit us on #twisted at (also known as

What is Twisted?

Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications.  It includes a
web server, a telnet server, a chat server, a news server, a generic client 
and server for remote object access, and APIs for creating new protocols and
services. Twisted supports integration of the Tk, GTK+, Qt or wxPython event
loop with its main event loop. The Win32 event loop is also supported, as is
basic support for running servers on top of Jython. Twisted works with
Python 2.1 and Python 2.2. Twisted even supports the CVS versions of Python, 
so it is ready for Python 2.3.

Twisted currently supports the following protocols, all implemented in pure
python, most of them as both servers and clients:
  - SSH
  - FTP
  - HTTP
  - NNTP
  - SOCKSv4 (server only)
  - SMTP
  - IRC
  - telnet
  - POP3
  - AOL's instant messaging TOC
  - OSCAR, used by AOL-IM as well as ICQ (client only)
  - DNS
  - MouseMan
  - finger
  - Echo, discard, chargen and friends
  - Twisted Perspective Broker, a remote object protocol

What's new in 0.99.3

- More fixes for HTTP

- Continued work on Woven web framework

- Got rid of remaining uses of deprecated APIs