[ANN] PyReverse 0.3

Sylvain Thenault thenault@nerim.net
14 Jun 2002 17:05:53 +0200

What's new in 0.3 ?
        * full architecture reorganisation. Not yet perfect but much more 
	  clean code :-)
	* begin unit tests generator using the unittest framework
	* apply patch from cognite@zianet.com fixing typos and KeyError in 
	* add warning for functions parameters with default to a list or a 
	* add a command line tool to generate xmi without argo files
	* add the --ignore option which permits to filter files analyzed
        * use 4Suite cDomlette for XMI-UML generation if it's available

What's PyReverse ?

Pyreverse is a set of utilities to reverse enginering Python code. So
far, it features dependency analysis tools, unittest generation,
and XMI generation for importation in a UML modeling tool. A special
module can be used to generate files readable by Argo UML. 
It uses a representation of a Python project in a class hierarchy
which can be used to extract any information (such as generating UML
diagrams and make a few statistics from the Python code, as "pyargo"
and "pystats") 

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Sylvain Thénault,  LOGILAB
