Python and XML development using the open source 4Suite toolkit

Frank Carlos
Thu, 4 Jul 2002 10:55:27 -0400

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 Python and XML development using the open source 4Suite toolkit            
 4Suite is an open source, comprehensive library and toolkit for XML        
 processing in Python. 4Suite implements various open standards related to  
 XML. This series of tutorials introduces 4Suite and gives practical        
 examples of XML development using 4Suite and Python.                       
 Part 1: PyXml                                                              
 There are various DOM implementations, in varying computer languages.      
 Here, we will be introducing PyXml. This particular implementation is      
 written in Python.                                                         
 Part 2: 4XPath and 4XSLT                                                   
 This tutorial introduces 4XPath and 4XSLT . If you plan to use Python in   
 association with XML processing, these are useful tools to get to know.    
 Part 3: 4RDF                                                               
 This tutorial will go into detail on RDF, with hands-on examples of how to 
 use the various RDF facilities available with Python.                      

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<p><b><font size="4">Python and XML development using the open source 4Suite toolkit</font></b><br>
4Suite is an open source, comprehensive library and toolkit for XML processing in Python. 4Suite implements various open standards related to XML. This series of tutorials introduces 4Suite and gives practical examples of XML development using 4Suite and Python. <br>
<b>Part 1: PyXml</b><br>
There are various DOM implementations, in varying computer languages. Here, we will be introducing PyXml. This particular implementation is written in Python.<br>
<a href=",lnxl23,p=PyXml">;t=gr,lnxl23,p=PyXml</a><br>
<b>Part 2: 4XPath and 4XSLT</b><br>
This tutorial introduces 4XPath and 4XSLT . If you plan to use Python in association with XML processing, these are useful tools to get to know.<br>
<a href=",lnxl23,p=4XPath4XSLT">;t=gr,lnxl23,p=4XPath4XSLT</a><br>
<b>Part 3: 4RDF</b><br>
This tutorial will go into detail on RDF, with hands-on examples of how to use the various RDF facilities available with Python.<br>
<a href=",lnxl23,p=4RDF">;t=gr,lnxl23,p=4RDF</a></td></tr>