ANN: SF/SV Python Users Group (BayPIGgies): new meeting!

Wesley J. Chun
14 Jan 2002 19:05:49 -0800

we are bringing BayPIGgies back after a long hiatus since we lost
both our meeting place and our domain name.  since then, we've got-
ten *one* out of the 2 back!!  deirdre's original announcement below.

if you're interested in the Py course, please sign up ASAP with
Mickal at 408-566-4534 because they'll cancel it if there aren't
enough students by end of this week!!  the textbook website is
down at the bottom in my .sig, and if you want to see the course
syllabus, homework, handouts, schedule, etc.:

thanks, and hope to see some of you this Wednesday @ Stanfurd!!!


    > From: Deirdre Saoirse Moen <>
    > Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 17:44:43 -0800
    > I know some of you have been waiting anxiously for the return of
    > BayPIGgies, the Bay Area Python Interest Group. And, with the help of
    > Danny Yoo and Wesley Chun, we're going to be meeting again.
    > A few changes: we have a new home at Stanford University.
    > The web pages, due to an oops on my part, have migrated to:
    > where the details about the meeting
    > location and time will be. Note that, after this month, we'll be
    > meeting on the SECOND Wednesday of the month. [i.e., Feb 13th]
    > The mailman mailing list is not yet fully operational due to a
    > configuration problem, but hopefully that'll be fixed soon. I'd spend
    > more time on it today, but I have a Python book I'm writing.....
    > And, I'd like to take the time to encourage you to either take (or
    > talk someone else into taking) Wesley Chun's Python class at UC Santa
    > Cruz Extension in Sunnyvale. Here's the URL for you to peek at:
    > --
    > _Deirdre   *   "I live in comfort knowing that my
    > early works were not printed on acid-free paper."     -- Lawrence Block

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"Core Python Programming", Prentice Hall PTR, © 2001

wesley.j.chun :: ::