[Module] GeoIP 0.2.0

TJ Mather tjmather@tjmather.com
Sat, 3 Aug 2002 14:38:58 -0400 (EDT)

                              GeoIP 0.2.0                               

Lookup Country by IP Address

Wrapper to GeoIP C library. The C library includes a free database of IP
address to country mappings that is updated every year.

       URL:  http://maxmind.com/geoip/api/python.shtml

   License:  BSD Style
  Platform:  Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris
  Requires:  GeoIP C library

  Categories:  Internet

TJ Mather (tjmather@tjmather.com)

<a href="http://maxmind.com/geoip/api/python.shtml">GeoIP 0.2.0</a> --
Lookup Country by IP Address