ANN: Kaa 0.4.3, a Python weblogging tool

Hans Nowak
Sun, 04 Aug 2002 21:10:14 GMT

Kaa is a weblogging tool written in Python. The current version is *highly* 
experimental, but with the "release early and often" motto in mind, I make this 
public anyway. At this point, it's unsuitable for serious purposes, though.

The "download page" can be found here:

This is really the page of my temporary blog; there are links to the 
distribution (a zip file) and to a page with an introduction to Kaa.

Any comments, bug reports, tips, feature requests, etc etc, are welcome. 
Particularly eloquent flames will be published on my blog. :-)

License? What's that? This experimental version (0.4.3) can be considered 
public domain. The license of future versions may differ.


Hans (base64.decodestring('d3VybXlAZWFydGhsaW5rLm5ldA=='))
# decode for email address ;-)
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