[Module] Puzzle 1.0

Parnassus Submission x@vex.net
Fri, 4 May 2001 16:46:38 -0400 (EDT)

                               Puzzle 1.0                               

Generic Puzzle Solver

Framework for defining and solving puzzles using either depth first or
breadth first searching. Highlight is the ease with which new puzzles
can be defined and solved.

Includes pretty printed solutions to Jug filling problem, River crossing
problem, Eight queens problem, Marble puzzle, a sliding block puzzle,
and the Triangle Tee puzzle.

Six solved puzzle exampes are at:

       URL:  http://users.javanet.com/~othello/download/python.htm
  Download:  http://users.javanet.com/~othello/download/puzzle.py

   License:  Public Domain

  Categories:  Games, * Math

Raymond Hettinger

<a href="http://users.javanet.com/~othello/download/python.htm">Puzzle
1.0</a> -- Generic Puzzle Solver