[Module] Matfunc.py

Parnassus Submission x@vex.net
Fri, 4 May 2001 14:35:41 -0400 (EDT)


Matrix, Vector and Elementwise routines plus curvefitting

100% pure python math package (does not require numPy). UserList style
implementation adds elementwise operations including broadcasting
(multiply a matrix by either another matrix, a vector, or a scalar.
Vector class provides dot product, a norm, an outer product, and a
Householder vector. Matrix class provides matrix multiplication,
transpose, multiplication by vector, QR decomposition, Q-less QR
decompostion, LU decomposition, inverse, and matrix divide. The matrix
divide solver handles inconsistent cases and gives a least squares
solution. Utility routines are provided to generate elementary matrix,
and sophisticated curve fitting (polynomial fit, rational approximation,
and fitting to arbitrary functions over an interval).

Advanced implementation features including caching transposes, caching
decompositions, exploiting structure of triangular matrices (using
backsub as a solver). Has optional pre and post-condition assertions for
quality assurance and documentation.

       URL:  http://users.javanet.com/~othello/download/python.htm
  Download:  http://users.javanet.com/~othello/download/matfunc.py

   License:  Public Domain

  Categories:  Math

Raymond Hettinger

<a href="http://users.javanet.com/~othello/download/python.htm">Matfunc.py</a>
-- Matrix, Vector and Elementwise routines plus curvefitting