[Wrapper] CodeBase Interface For Python

Hakki Dogusan dogusanh@tr.net
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 12:53:22 -0500 (EST)

                     CodeBase Interface For Python                      

Wrapper for Sequiter's (www.sequiter.com) dbase api.

Wrapper for Sequiter's (www.sequiter.com) dbase api. Win32. Binary Only.
CodeBase library is NOT included. Mimics CodeBase C++ Api. Most of the
examples are translated to Python.

       URL:  http://home.tr.net/dogusanh/

  Platform:  Win32
  Requires:  CodeBase C4DLL.DLL

  Categories:  Database

Hakki Dogusan (dogusanh@tr.net)

<a href="http://home.tr.net/dogusanh/">CodeBase Interface For Python</a>
-- Wrapper for Sequiter's (www.sequiter.com) dbase api.