Agrepy 1.0: Python port of agrep string matching with errors

Michael Wise
Wed, 28 Jul 99 18:13:37 GMT

<A HREF="">agrep</A> is a suite
of command-line (i.e. UNIX user level) string matching functions, written by
Sun Wu and Udi Manber (described in "Fast Text Searching Allowing Errors",
CACM, 35(10), 1992).

While the majority of the functionality is already found in Python, the
ability to perform string searches accepting a limited number of errors has
not been available till now.

Such searches are able to deal, for example, with spelling errors, or the
differences between North American and British English. Alternatively, this
form of string matching is able to model the attachment of a primer to a
target DNA sequence (i.e. attachment occurs if there are no more than, say,
2 indels).

<P><A HREF="">agrepy
1.0</A> - Python interface to the 
<A HREF="">agrep</A>
approximate string matching implementation.  (27-Jul-99)

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