[Python-3000] pickle, cPickle, and the standard library (was Re: [Python-Dev] inst_persistent_id)

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 23:55:43 CET 2008

Whoops, that was meant to go to the list. Sorry.

On 03/02/2008, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> But we need a solution, not a start. While the stdlib is bloated, it
> is being trimmed down in Py3K already. If you want to trim more then
> push for stuff to be removed on a module-to-module basis. But going
> from "batteries included" to "batteries easily downloaded" is quite a
> shift for Python.

Absolutely. For a nice example of a "worst case" scenario, I'm behind
a corporate filewall which doesn't even let out HTTP except via the
Windows APIs (Windows ISA proxy, or some such). I know there are
workarounds for this, but that's not the point. Add to that no
compiler available plus a restrictive corporate policy, and there's
pretty much nothing that isn't in the core that would ever be "easily

I've no idea how representative I am, or what I might be
representative of (:-)) but for some of us, a large core is a real


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