[pytest-dev] How can I suppress cleanups when a test fails

Ronny Pfannschmidt opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de
Thu Apr 15 16:57:01 EDT 2021

Hi Christopher,

if you use the tmpdir/tmp_path fixtures pytest provides,
just don't do additional cleanup, pytest keeps the last 3 basetemps 
around precisely for that use-case and drops older ones

-- Ronny

Am 15.04.21 um 21:56 schrieb Eliot, Christopher:
> My test suit generates some intermediate files and other resources 
> which typically would be deleted upon termination of the test.  
> However, if there is a failure, I would like to leave them in place to 
> help in diagnosing the failure.
> Is there a clean way to do this?
> I’m already using a fixture to do cleanup, so I’m prepared to use some 
> aspect of the fixture if that’s appropriate.
> Thanks,
> Topher Eliot
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