[pytest-dev] pytest sprint

Sivan Greenberg sivan at vitakka.co
Tue Mar 29 05:17:51 EDT 2016

Hey Holger,

> >  I'll be coming from Tel Aviv, a flight to Frankfurt / Berlin would be
> > > around 450$ or a bit less, Skyscanner does not show me how can one get
> from
> > > Tel Aviv to Freiburg via air travel. Perhaps a train is needed? :) (Is
> > > Freiburg in Switzerland , or ?.. A bit confused after my googling).
> Sivan, are you stating the cost because you need funding for your travel?
Indeed, I could probably handle the dailies, but the travel (+train) costs
are tricky, given my weak currency and turning freelancer not long ago..how
cheap/expensive is the region compared to Berlin?

> So far i thought we would fund travel costs for contributors, i.e. people
> who have submitted PRs and/or cared for pytest core or plugin development
> in some ways.  However, I am open to consider providing some funds for
> newcomers.
I had assumed that , but then reading the call for participation it was
mentioned  newcomers with experience could be considered, so I decided to
reach out. I thought this was intentional as other open source groups do it
from time to time.

FWIW, i plan to fix the sprint location till wednesday. It's likely

> going to be a bit on the outskirts but it will be within a 5 minute
> train reach from the main station. Therefore going for accomodation in
> the city center is perfectly fine. More infos later in the week,
> just arrived back from a little vacation.
> I hope I can practice a bit of my now rusting but
used-to-be-okay-beginners-1 university learned German if I get there :)

I'll keep watching the list. Let me know if you accept my consideration,
and I shall add myself to the sprint list as per Florian's instruction
under 'unconfirmed' or some-such.

Thanks for you prompt reply,

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