[pytest-dev] Pytest-asyncio

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Thu Apr 23 21:55:28 CEST 2015

In a message of Thu, 23 Apr 2015 21:28:52 +0200, Tin Tvrtković writes:
>Hello fellow pytest aficionados,
>I've been advised by multiple people over Twitter to bring this to the
>attention of the pytest community, so here goes.
>I'm the author of pytest-asyncio, a pytest plugin for testing asyncio
>code: https://github.com/Tinche/pytest-asyncio. The code isn't
>particularly clever, and could use a review by someone more
>knowledgeable of pytest than me, but it seems to do its job okay (I'm
>already using it in another asyncio project). Credit where credit is
>due: the plugin is basically a port of pytest-tornado to asyncio. It's
>up on PyPI under the name 'pytest-asyncio'. Hopefully the README file is
>documentation enough.
>It's also been suggested to me to submit the plugin to pytest, which I'd
>totally be open to if you folks are interested. I think the plugin ticks
>all the checkboxes listed on https://pytest.org/latest/contributing.html.
>Kind regards,

I've been using it, for about a week.  It is working great here.
so +1 from me.


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