[pytest-dev] Pytest-asyncio

Tin Tvrtković tinchester at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 21:28:52 CEST 2015

Hello fellow pytest aficionados,

I've been advised by multiple people over Twitter to bring this to the
attention of the pytest community, so here goes.

I'm the author of pytest-asyncio, a pytest plugin for testing asyncio
code: https://github.com/Tinche/pytest-asyncio. The code isn't
particularly clever, and could use a review by someone more
knowledgeable of pytest than me, but it seems to do its job okay (I'm
already using it in another asyncio project). Credit where credit is
due: the plugin is basically a port of pytest-tornado to asyncio. It's
up on PyPI under the name 'pytest-asyncio'. Hopefully the README file is
documentation enough.

It's also been suggested to me to submit the plugin to pytest, which I'd
totally be open to if you folks are interested. I think the plugin ticks
all the checkboxes listed on https://pytest.org/latest/contributing.html.

Kind regards,

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