[py-dev] ANN: oejskit 0.8.7 JavaScript in-browser testing with py.test plugin and unittest.py glue

Samuele Pedroni pedronis at openend.se
Sun Jan 3 15:14:11 CET 2010

Hi, I just pushed a new release of OE jskit 0.8.7 to PyPI. Main points
of interest:

- user-defined naming of browsers for the remote browser script so that
it is easier to run a test suite for example against machines running
ie7 and ie8 both, see "Remote browsers" in the doc for more details.

- the glue code to run JavaScript tests with unittest.py is now documented

- compatibility with py.test 1.1.1 cleanups, the plugin is now exposed
to py.test through a setuptools entry point

About OE jskit:

jskit contains infrastructure and in particular a py.test plugin to
enable running unit tests for JavaScript code inside browsers.
It contains also glue code to run JavaScript tests from unittest.py
based test suites.

The approach also enables to write integration tests such that the
JavaScript code is tested against server-side Python code mocked as
necessary. Any server-side framework that can already be exposed through
WSGI can play.

The plugin requires py.test 1.1.1 and should also work with current trunk.

More information and downloading at:


including a changelog, documentation and the talk I gave at Europython 2009.

jskit was initially developed by Open End AB and is released under the
MIT license.

In various incarnations it has been in use and useful at Open End for
more than two years, we are quite happy to share it.

Samuele Pedroni for Open End

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