[py-dev] pytest-cov

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Mon Aug 2 16:05:43 CEST 2010

Hi Meme, 

On Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 23:45 +1000, meme dough wrote:
> Hi,
> I decided not to wait for coverage source option to be released.  I
> will release again when it is available.

good idea :) 
> pytest-cov now has slimmer command line interface which is pleasant
> when doing py.test -h

very nice! 
> It should measure sub processes out of the box (provided I got the pth
> file installed in the correct location, works with what I have
> available for testing).  It will do the sub processes for distributed
> testing too.

Hum, how does the "out-of-the-box" work exactly?  
It won't always be enabled just because pytest-cov is installed, will it? 
(if so, i'd rather suggest to do an indirection and only perform coverage
if a certain environment varialbe like PYTEST_COV_AUTOSUB=1 or so it st).

> I will be putting it through it's paces in more depth.
> A doc update on the site would probably be good.
> Give it a try if anyone interested and let me know how it goes.

I tried it, worked fine (and i really like the slim interface!). 

* --cov=path ... the help string should say what path, file-system or
  python import-path? 

* when i ran "py.test --cov=py._code" it worked fine, i.e. only showed 
  results for the py._code subpackage.  When i mistype the path, 
  e.g. "py.test --cov=py._code2" it will give me *all* results which 
  is wrong: i'd expect "no coverage data for import path "py._code2" found
  or something like this. 


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