[py-dev] py.test test function naming

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Thu Feb 17 06:34:29 CET 2005

A note: when I was translating all my SQLObject tests into py.test, one 
issue I found is that only functions starting in test_ are found, which 
means functions (or rather methods) like testThis are ignored.  This is 
a problem, because that's the preferred style for unittest, and 
unittest-based tests are otherwise not too hard to move over (make the 
sure class name is properly named -- also a bit of a problem -- then get 
rid of the superclass and turn setUp into setup_method and tearDown into 

The real problem here is that while other problems with the translation 
are usually detectable (because a test fails, or syntax is incorrect or 
something), this problem fails silently, in that a test just gets lost. 
  When converting a big project this is a problem.  So that's a 
long-winded way saying that really any method or function that starts 
with "test" (no underscore) should be picked up.

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  / http://blog.ianbicking.org

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