[py-dev] py.path.dict and py.path.proxy patch

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Mon Feb 14 19:18:51 CET 2005

Dear Matthew, 

sorry for taking some time ... PyPy and other stuff keeps
me busy :-) 

On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 23:04 -0600, Matthew Scott wrote:
> What py.path.proxy allows you to do is to take an arbitrary path and 
> create a proxy filesystem into a limited area of that path's filesystem. 
>  Maybe a better word would be sandbox, but I found proxy to be easier 
> to type.  Naming suggestions are welcome.  This code is set in fresh 
> mud, not in stone.  :)

Hehe, i like the patch and your examples.  Yet i am trying to
think of real use cases for proxy() and dict() paths.  I
guess you have some, don't you? 

> I haven't yet tried py.path.proxy using anything but py.path.local root 
> paths.

py.path.proxy() seems like a kind of a "chroot" path, btw.

> Here's an example of using py.path.proxy to wrap a directory specified 
> by py.path.local, and of using py.path.dict to create a dictionary-based 
> virtual file system that contains a copy of that directory:

Especially your dict-proxy path implementation is interesting.  IIRC, 
i have been thinking with Armin about refactoring path implementations
to work with some kind of filesystem representation as well. I think the 
idea arosed around Armin's nfs-pure-python server that works based on 
py.path, so you can basically mount certain revisions from a svn
repository, and with py.path.dict from a dictionary :-) 

A note about your patch: since a few month we have a revised 
concept for error-handling: basically all py.path.local 
(and some of the py.path.svn* stuff) will raise py.error.X 
where X == name from errno.*.  The logic to convert 
OSErrors to py.error's is in _callex() in path/common.py. 


>>> py.path.local('/tmp/x').chdir()
Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "/home/hpk/projects/dist-vadm/py/path/local/local.py", line 306, in chdir
    self._callex(os.chdir, self.strpath)
  File "/home/hpk/projects/dist-vadm/py/path/common.py", line 216, in _callex
    raise cls, value
ENOTDIR: [Not a directory]: chdir('/tmp/x',)

This is obviously a nicely descriptive error which you can
cleanly catch via "except py.error.ENOTDIR:".  Generally
py.path implementations should now use this error mechanism to
give users a uniform way dealing with permission or semantic

To make this error handling more transparently available i am
thinking of having a dynamically wrapped 'os' module which
error-decorates calls into os.*. maybe reachable by "py.os_x" ...
um well, probably better "py.os" :-) 

Now, if we can come up with some real life use cases i am all
for integrating your patch into the py lib nonwithstanding 
some documentation and refactorings (which shouldn't break 
the tests, though, yadda yadda).

cheers and thanks for your ideas and code!


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