[PyLadies-BLR] Cleaning up Pyladies Bangalore mailing list

PyLadies-BLR pyladies-blr at python.org
Thu Apr 14 12:02:20 EDT 2016

Dear All,

I want to clean up the mailing list for Pyladies Bangalore for two reasons

1. In future, all correspondence with regard to the mailing list will be
done by authentic real people instead of people who stalk around using
other's names.

2. Increase sense of security for emails floating around the air regarding
the Pyladies Bangalore.

Heres what I propose to do.

1. While joining, the members will be required to provide one form of
identity such as a pan card, or a voters card. I am asking for these two
alone as the tools are available freely to check the details.

2. I am still thinking of other people who might be in India, foreigners
who have just a passport and I don't have a means of authenticating that
piece of information freely and publicly.

Please suggest more on this!

Look forward to hearing your responses.

Thanks and regards,
Annapoornima Koppad

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