[PyConUK-adm-priv] Conference housekeeping

Peter Inglesby peter.inglesby at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 13:52:54 EDT 2016

Hi everyone,

This is a shortish email to discuss a few housekeeping things.

*Catch up meetings*

We began to get into the habit of meeting for a short video call every
eight days (to ensure that nobody missed out because we met on the one day
that they couldn't do), but the last couple didn't happen.  This is my
fault because I haven't been looking at my diary recently, and so missed
both of them.

Vince has suggested setting up reminders for the meetings (see this issue
<https://github.com/PyconUK/pyconuk-2016-internaldocs/issues/107>).  The
schedule is in this calendar
and I was able to set up Google to email me reminders by clicking on the
plus sign in the bottom right corner.  If anybody knows how to get
reminders sent to the pyconuk-adm-priv list, please claim the issue and go

Daniele, Vince, and I are going to have a hangout at 2pm tomorrow
afternoon, to discuss some things relating to the venue.  If you're free,
you should join us.  After tomorrow, we'll do our best to go back to the
original schedule.

(I know that not everybody can use Google Hangouts, so I'd love to find an
alternative.  We've tried appear.in and jitsu, neither of which has worked
very well.  Let me know if you know of something else that works.)


Some of us have begun to use Slack to discuss things relating to the
conference.  It's working quite well, and I'd like to encourage everybody
on this list to drop in every day or two and join in discussions.  You
should all have received an invitation a few weeks ago, but please let
George know if you've lost it.

*Mailing lists*

Please don't assume that just because you've mentioned something on Slack
that everybody will have read it.  Any announcements should be made on one
of the mailing lists.

I'd like us to continue using the original list (pyconuk-adm) where
possible, as it has quite a few casual members who have said they'd like to
help out for small things.

This list (pyconuk-adm-priv) is smaller, and the membership is just people
who signed up to the PyCon UK Society committee at last year's conference,
plus some of last year's organisers who're keen to continue to be
involved.  It's primarily for discussions that need to stay private, but
I'm also using it for announcements of the catch-up calls, since I want to
avoid these calls getting too big.

*GitHub Issues*

Please continue to use GitHub issues
<https://github.com/PyconUK/pyconuk-2016-internaldocs/issues/> for tracking
what you're working on, and please try find a way to keep on top of your
notifications.  You might find it helpful to follow the #github channel on
Slack, which is a firehose of all our activity on GitHub.

If you've got any questions or suggestions, let me know!


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