[PyAR2] PyArkansas Update

Greg Lindstrom gslindstrom at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 02:05:47 CEST 2009

Good news!  We've had some people step up to the task of organizing
pyArkansas!  This is a community mini-conference and I'm really happy to see
others join in the, ahem, fun.  Here's who I have down:
Fund Raising
*Chad Russell of the Conway Chamber of Commerce has taken this on.  I can't
begin to tell you how extraordinary this it (but I"ll try).  When I
approached the Chamber last year I really didn't expect much.  Chad and his
friends really came through and is taking on, in my opinion, the toughest
part of pyArkansas.  Other local conferences can not believe the support we
get from Conway (and they are very happy for us).

Paul Watson has agreed to tackle this.  I'll start compiling a list of
people/agencies we can ask.  There are a lot of "Python" businesses we can
approach (O'Reilly, Wingware, Python Magazine, etc.) and some local
businesses as well.  I'd like a nice swag bag if we can build one.

Bob Fahr is going to build the poster.  We need others to contact local
media (Newspaper, TV, Radio, Living Local, etc.) to get the word out and get
us some coverage.  We also need to get invites out to Arkansas High Schools
and Colleges/Universities.

Nathan Davis will keep our web (wiki) up to date.

I'll be meeting with Chad next week to discuss what to do next.  I know we
need the poster/flier and inviations to go out next month.

More later.  Check out the wiki at

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