[PyAR2] Getting to know you

Greg Reddin greddin at apache.org
Fri Nov 16 17:04:25 CET 2007


You can call me "Other Greg" I guess. I've been a developer by trade
for about 10 years. I started out in Visual Basic, but I promptly
forgot all that :-) From there I moved to C++, then Java, where most
of my career has been spent. In the Java space I've worked on web
frameworks mostly, but in my last job I worked on SOA architecture and
such. In the last couple of years I've also spent some time in PHP
and, most recently, I've been trying to pick up Ruby on Rails. I
currently work for a firm in Little Rock where we deliver analytical
data and reports via Java-based web portals. I won't say publicly who
the company is because that might restrict what I can say about what
we do. (Some of our clients are picky about talking publicly about
technology for some reason.) I'd rather talk about our architecture
and technology than talk about who we are :-)

Python has always interested me. I've always wanted to learn the
language, but just never took the time. We use Trac at work and I've
had the opportunity to hack it once or twice. I'll probably just read
more than anything. I'd like to attend meetings, but I don't know if
I'll have the chance. We are a family of 6 and we usually spend our
weekends out in the woods exploring or traveling somewhere. In that
vein the GIS stuff y'all are working on sounds really cool.

Greg Reddin

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