[portland] [JOB] Python Developer

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Sat Jan 23 16:27:53 EST 2016

Thanks for the useful job opening announcement.  I haunt the Chipy listserv
too and appreciate seeing those.

As a teacher of the Python language, for PDX Code Guild, I'm always on the
lookout for real world job openings to decode:  "list comprehension",
"Pylons" -- this is the language to know.  What does it all mean?  Tiny
newspaper ads were relatively worthless in terms of giving insight into a
real world situation.

I'm also steering people towards Python User Group.  Our Guild meetup
forked off some time ago, as shown by the meetup mashup.  I let them know
another group in town is the one true Portland Python User Group that meets
at Urban Airship.


On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 4:13 PM, John Hampton <pacopablo at pacopablo.com>

> The company for which I work, Erickson Information Services, is looking to
> hire a Python developer.  We are an IT company that provides services to a
> local group of companies owned by, and including, Erickson Group, Ltd.
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