[portland] Want to teach Python to kids in Greater Portland?

Rachel Sakry rachelsakry at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 16:38:20 CET 2015

Thanks, Kirby. If anyone is considering taking this on, and would like a
teaching assistant, please hit me up.

On Wed Feb 18 2015 at 5:35:38 PM kirby urner <kirby.urner at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've taught Python through Saturday Academy in various ways and have grown
> as a teacher as a result.
> There's nothing like the reality check of real kids in a real classroom.
> As a veteran of this program, I'd be happy to offer advice / coaching to
> anyone taking the position or having questions about my experience.  Feel
> free to pass this on to others you thing might be interested / qualified.
> Here's a blurb on the position (temporary):
> ===
> Come share your expertise with youth in your community. Saturday Academy is
> looking for programming instructors.
> We build classes around the instructor's expertise and schedule.
> Our classes are small (10-12 students), hands-on, and instructors can
> choose the grade range they are most comfortable teaching.
> Classes are held all over the Portland, Beaverton and Hillsboro area.
> Saturday Academy hires on a temporary, part-time basis and we do background
> check as adults are left alone with students.
> If you are interested in learning more about teaching for Saturday Academy
> please contact Eloise Koehler at eloise at Saturdayacademy.org and check out
> our website at
> <http://www.saturdayacademy.org/more/be-an-instructor>
> http://www.saturdayacademy.org/more/be-an-instructor
>  ===
> Kirby Urner
> Oregon Curriculum Network
> http://www.4dsolutions.net/ocn/cp4e.html
> @thekirbster
> @psf_snake
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