[portland] Meeting, Tomorrow! (Tues, Oct 9th, 7pm, CubeSpace)

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 19:20:31 CEST 2007

> We run only linux, and I'd like this to be a stand-alone application.
> We'll be running the application for clients; it's one of those where the
> input data must be correct or: GIGO. And, if the model doesn't produce
> proper results, we'll be blamed rather than those who did not enter valid
> data.

Hmmmm, sounds like you'd be motivated to put some strong
data validation up front, both in the UI and at the level of "integrity
checks" (like in Quickbooks -- a validation cycle).

wxPython is a good choice for that, as you get all kinds of control
over widgets, as you know.

Operators won't get bogus data past this gatekeeper, if everything's
coded "air tightly".

>    I know that there are a couple of wxPython modules for printing, but they
> are complicated and generate mail list threads as folks work to understand
> them. I thought that ReportLab might be easier.
> Rich

I'd think these cosmetic issues would be left to the end.

Once the client is satisfied with the Model, using whatever test
data, you'll be able to wrap it in some customized View.  Unit testing,
not necessarily visually friendly, lets you run any number of sample
data sets (all valid we hope -- though I'd throw in a few monkey
wrenches just to see what happens in a test bed situation).

Or maybe you've already reached this stage of complete client
buy-in, in which case your idea to stick with 100% wxPython for
I/O is probably just the finishing touch you need.


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