[Pandas-dev] pandas ASVs

Richard Shadrach rhshadrach at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 15:16:01 EDT 2022

I noticed a bit ago that the ASVs on the pandas webpage were no longer
being updated.


Tom shared with me his setup and gave me permissions to
https://github.com/asv-runner (thanks Tom!). I now have a machine dedicated
to running the ASVs and updating the site here:


I plan to be going through the regressions identified there and
notifying PRs as necessary; manually at first but then looking into a more
automated solution. I also plan to port Tom's work in asv-runner over to

>From Marc, it sounds like there might be some changes coming to the
webserver, so I think it's best to wait until that dust settles before
getting the ASVs on the pandas webpage to auto-update.

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