[omaha] Completely KIDS

Ann Lawless ALawless at completelykids.org
Tue Jun 14 11:24:07 EDT 2016

Men are allowed to facilitate -

Thank you so much for sharing this with your group -

Ann Lawless
Director of Community Services
Completely KIDSSM
2566 St. Mary's Avenue - Omaha, Nebraska  68105
Tel:  402.397.5809 ext. 213 - Fax:  402.397.5811
alawless at completelykids.org<mailto:alawless at completelykids.org> - www.completelykids.org<http://www.completelykids.org/>
Strategic * Communication * Restorative * Achiever * Positivity

From: Burch Kealey [mailto:bkealey at unomaha.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 9:31 AM
To: Omaha Python Users Group <omaha at python.org>
Cc: Ann Lawless <ALawless at completelykids.org>
Subject: Fw: Completely KIDS

Feel free to directly contact Ann

Ann I shared this with the Omaha Python User's Group. I scanned the GWC website to see if men were allowed to participate/support/facilitate and didn't see anything against it but the only pictures I saw were of women and girls.  There are a few women involved in the group.

You might pipe back with how gender is considered.  I hope that did not come out in a clumsy manner.
From: Ann Lawless <ALawless at completelykids.org<mailto:ALawless at completelykids.org>>
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 9:17 AM
To: Burch Kealey
Subject: Completely KIDS

Burch -

I was searching for avenues to help find a volunteer facilitator for a Girls Who Code Club (https://girlswhocode.com/) that we are starting at Completely KIDS and I found the OWH article about the code club you did.  I was hoping you might have some ideas of where we could reach out to find some volunteers.
Join 40,000 Girls Who Code - girlswhocode<https://girlswhocode.com/>
Before Girls Who Code, I never saw myself as a coder or an engineer. Girls Who Code gave me not just valuable coding skills but a valuable opportunity: to see myself ...

Thank you!

Ann Lawless
Director of Community Services
Completely KIDSSM
2566 St. Mary's Avenue - Omaha, Nebraska  68105
Tel:  402.397.5809 ext. 213 - Fax:  402.397.5811
alawless at completelykids.org<mailto:alawless at completelykids.org> - www.completelykids.org<http://www.completelykids.org/>

Strategic * Communication * Restorative * Achiever * Positivity

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