[omaha] Hack Omaha

Mike Hostetler mike at hostetlerhome.com
Wed Sep 19 18:34:51 CEST 2012

Of course you picked the weekend my wife is out of town and I have the
kids. <sigh> maybe next time.

For the others: I know some of the people that were at the last one and
they had a great time.

Matt Wynn wrote:
> Hey folks,
> We're doing another Hack Omaha in a few weeks, and I want to make sure you
> guys know about it. Last time there was a sad dearth of Pythonistas, and I
> think you all would have a great time.
> We've made a few changes: It's cheaper, it's shorter, and it comes with
> beer. The big idea is to make government information useful, and more
> importantly to help make the case that if government were required to make
> data public, the ends would be worthwhile.
> I feel a ramble coming on, so I'll cut it short. Head to
> www.hackomaha.comto learn mroe or sign up at
> www.eventbrite.hackomaha.com. I can also ansrew any questions.
> Hope to see some of you there.
> -Matt
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