[Numpy-discussion] Where to discuss NEPs (was: Re: new NEP: np.AbstractArray and np.asabstractarray)

Stefan van der Walt stefanv at berkeley.edu
Fri Mar 9 14:51:40 EST 2018

On Fri, 09 Mar 2018 17:00:43 +0000, Stephan Hoyer wrote:
> I'll note that we basically used GitHub for revising __array_ufunc__ NEP,
> and I think that worked out better for everyone involved. The discussion
> was a little too specialized and high volume to be well handled on the
> mailing list.

A disadvantage of GitHub PR comments is that they do not track
sub-threads of conversation, so you cannot "reply to" a previous concern

PRs also mix inline comments (that become much less visible after
rebases and updates) and "story line" comments.  These two "modes" of
commenting, substantive discussion around ideas, v.s. concerns about
specific phrasing, usage of words, typos, content of code snippets,
etc., may require different approaches.  It would be quite easy to
redirect the prior to the mailing list and the latter to the GitHub PR.

I'm also not too keen on repeated PR creation and merging (it splits up
the PR discussion even further).  Why not simply hold off until the PEP
is ready, and view the documents on GitHub?  The rendering there is just
as good.

+1 also on merging rejected PEPs, once they are fully developed.


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