[Numpy-discussion] Fwd: [NumFOCUS Projects] NumFOCUS Summit Registration

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 16:49:40 EDT 2018

On 06/07/18 00:54, Ralf Gommers wrote:
> Hi all,
> In September the NumFOCUS Summit for 2018 will be held in New York. 
> NumPy can send one representative (or a couple, but costs are only 
> covered for one person). We opened this opportunity up to members of 
> the Steering Council first, however it doesn't look like anyone is in 
> the position to attend. Therefore we'd now like to ask if anyone else 
> would like to attend.
> Rules of the game: you do need a strong affiliation with the project 
> (e.g. you have commit right, have been contributing for a while, have 
> been hired to work on NumPy, etc.); in case multiple people are 
> interested then the NumPy Steering Council will make a decision.
> If you're interested, please reply here or off-list.
> Cheers,
> Ralf

I would like to put my name forward.

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Leah Silen* <leah at numfocus.org <mailto:leah at numfocus.org>>
> Date: Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 4:35 PM
> Subject: [NumFOCUS Projects] NumFOCUS Summit Registration
> To: projects at numfocus.org <mailto:projects at numfocus.org>
> *
> Hi all,
> We’d like to share some additional details on this year’s NumFOCUS 
> Project Summit.
> The Sustainability Workshop portion of the Summit (Sept 22-23) is an 
> opportunity for projects to focus on creating roadmaps and developing 
> strategies for long-term sustainability. This year we would like your 
> help in generating the content and driving the direction of the 
> workshop. We’ll be reaching out for your suggestions on specific areas 
> you would like to see addressed.
> The Project Forum for Core Developers and Critical Users(Sep 24-25) is 
> a meeting, open to the public, for critical users to directly interact 
> with the core developers of NumFOCUS projects. The goal is to connect 
> you with resources to advance your community roadmaps while beginning 
> a dialogue with key stakeholders. The event will be limited to 150 
> attendees. Again, we will be giving participants (both projects and 
> users) an opportunity to drive the content and agenda.
> NumFOCUS will cover travel expenses for one representative per 
> sponsored project.This includes an airfare allotment of $600 and hotel 
> accommodations for 4 nights in New York City. The airfare amount is an 
> average; we understand international travel costs will exceed this 
> amount. Please contact us if you would like to have more than one rep 
> attend. When choosing who will attend, we ask that you prioritize 
> members of your leadership team or steering committee as this will 
> help your project get the most benefit out of the Summit experience.
> In order to book hotel rooms, it is urgent that we know who will be 
> attending as soon as possible.We’ve set up the following site for 
> project leads to register: <link removed by Ralf>
> Once again, if you’re interested in working on any portion of the 
> summit, we would love your input and leadership in setting the agenda. 
> Please reach out to summit at numfocus.org <mailto:summit at numfocus.org>if 
> you would like to be involved.
> NumFOCUS Summit Committee-
> Andy Terrel
> James Powell
> Leah Silen
> Gina Helfrich
> Jim Weiss
> *
> ---
> Leah Silen
> Executive Director, NumFOCUS
> leah at numfocus.org <mailto:leah at numfocus.org>
> 512-222-5449 <tel:512-222-5449>
> <http://www.numfocus.org/>
> <https://twitter.com/NumFOCUS><https://www.facebook.com/NumFOCUS/>

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