[Numpy-discussion] Cython headers in numpy include

Robert Kern robert.kern at gmail.com
Thu Jun 19 19:12:53 EDT 2008

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 18:02, Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Following on from Fernando's post about his Cython example, I would
>>> like to suggest adding his .pxd files to the standard numpy include
>>> directory, fetched with np.get_include()
>> I am a bit hesitant to add them to a standard "public" path until they
>> are close to complete.
> As usual, fair comment.  Do we then have the goal before us of
> inclusion in a public path when they are close to complete?

Cython looks in the include_dirs for .pxd files, right? Then yes, I
would support putting them alongside arrayobject.h. If possible, we
should be careful to make sure that the .pxds work with Pyrex, too. I
got burned recently by a change to .pxd semantics in Pyrex 0.9.8, so
this could be tricky.

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless
enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as
though it had an underlying truth."
 -- Umberto Eco

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