[PyDelhi] Research for submitting proposal for next Pycon India.

Gora Mohanty gora at mimirtech.com
Wed Oct 7 19:05:30 CEST 2015


Sorry, was not quite clear enough: I realise that Pycon India is not an
open-source conference, so it might not qualify for free, but the cost will
still be much lower than any other equivalent location in Delhi.

For example, Drupal conferences have been held there, and those were even
less about open source than Pycon India.


On 7 October 2015 at 22:27, Gora Mohanty <gora at mimirtech.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Not to be a wet blanket, but can we first do a successful 2-day event,
> with say a few hundred people, before we jump into Pycon India? Maybe I
> have missed things, but what is the biggest event that PyDelhi has
> organised? A conference of 1000-1200 people is no joke.
> Assuming that Pycon India is happening in Delhi, I would also seriously
> look at JNU. Their new conference facilities are excellent, and for an
> open-source conference either free, or at minimal cost. Accommodation for
> some speakers might also be possible, but that would have to be arranged
> through Prof. Lynn.
> Regards,
> Gora
> On 7 October 2015 at 22:15, qua non <akshayaurora at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> In case you are not aware PyDelhi[1] made a pitch @PyConIndia to hold the
>> next event in Delhi.
>> The response from most people was mostly positive as we fulfilled "the"
>> base requirement i.e to have a team large enough and active enough that is
>> capable of pulling the event off.
>> Next step is *we need to put in a proposal; *where we mention details
>> like
>> - Where in Delhi we can hold the event.
>> - How much it will cost, for Venue, Food, Networking Equipment.
>> - Availability of venue for next october.
>> The python India community as a whole will then decide where the next
>> event takes place based on the proposal.
>> We need to test that there is enough interest in the whole Python India
>> community to hold the event in Delhi.
>> We have about 9-10 days to send the proposal.
>> We need people to first,  goto places like Srifort auditorium, India
>> Habitat center,  India Islamic Center, JLN stadium(new indoor facilities),
>> Talkatora Stadium, Pragati Maidan auditoriums...
>> To try and find out if they have::
>> -  Enough space to hold ~1200 folks and if they have enough space in
>> their auditoriums to hold least 1000 folks for the keynote and 300 + for
>> workshops, talks etc.
>> - Enough place to hold dev sprints, open spaces.
>> - If the place offers Food with the halls like IHC does. If so what's the
>> price.
>> - If the place offers existing Internet infrastructure, Video
>> recording...(unlikely but we should still ask)
>> If I missed out anything do not hesitate to add.
>> Regards
>> Akkshay
>> p.s.
>> Few of us would be making a day out of it and visit IHC and all the
>> centers around South Delhi on this saturday (10th Oct) to check out the
>> details if you want to join us or do the same for centers around your place
>> don't hesitate to do the same.
>> [1]: http://Pydelhi.org
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