[PyDelhi] Research for submitting proposal for next Pycon India.

Gora Mohanty gora at mimirtech.com
Wed Oct 7 18:57:53 CEST 2015


Not to be a wet blanket, but can we first do a successful 2-day event, with
say a few hundred people, before we jump into Pycon India? Maybe I have
missed things, but what is the biggest event that PyDelhi has organised? A
conference of 1000-1200 people is no joke.

Assuming that Pycon India is happening in Delhi, I would also seriously
look at JNU. Their new conference facilities are excellent, and for an
open-source conference either free, or at minimal cost. Accommodation for
some speakers might also be possible, but that would have to be arranged
through Prof. Lynn.


On 7 October 2015 at 22:15, qua non <akshayaurora at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey folks,
> In case you are not aware PyDelhi[1] made a pitch @PyConIndia to hold the
> next event in Delhi.
> The response from most people was mostly positive as we fulfilled "the"
> base requirement i.e to have a team large enough and active enough that is
> capable of pulling the event off.
> Next step is *we need to put in a proposal; *where we mention details
> like
> - Where in Delhi we can hold the event.
> - How much it will cost, for Venue, Food, Networking Equipment.
> - Availability of venue for next october.
> The python India community as a whole will then decide where the next
> event takes place based on the proposal.
> We need to test that there is enough interest in the whole Python India
> community to hold the event in Delhi.
> We have about 9-10 days to send the proposal.
> We need people to first,  goto places like Srifort auditorium, India
> Habitat center,  India Islamic Center, JLN stadium(new indoor facilities),
> Talkatora Stadium, Pragati Maidan auditoriums...
> To try and find out if they have::
> -  Enough space to hold ~1200 folks and if they have enough space in their
> auditoriums to hold least 1000 folks for the keynote and 300 + for
> workshops, talks etc.
> - Enough place to hold dev sprints, open spaces.
> - If the place offers Food with the halls like IHC does. If so what's the
> price.
> - If the place offers existing Internet infrastructure, Video
> recording...(unlikely but we should still ask)
> If I missed out anything do not hesitate to add.
> Regards
> Akkshay
> p.s.
> Few of us would be making a day out of it and visit IHC and all the
> centers around South Delhi on this saturday (10th Oct) to check out the
> details if you want to join us or do the same for centers around your place
> don't hesitate to do the same.
> [1]: http://Pydelhi.org
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