[Moin-user] Support for LDAP groups?

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Wed Jan 16 16:15:29 EST 2013

Hi Philip,
> According to http://moinmo.in/HelpOnGroups, moinmoin can use group
> definitions from other sources. However, there doesn't seem to be any
> documentation on how this can be achieved.
> I'd like to implement groups from OpenID or LDAP, although I suspect
> OpenID doesn't provide any group membership information, in which case
> it would need to be LDAP.

There is no ready-to-use code for ldap groups.

There was some work on ldap groups in summer of code, see there:


But at the end, we did not merge that code as it was not tested enough
(and maybe also not developed enough or even not working, i don't
remember exactly).

If you want to help with that, have a look there and contact us if you
have questions / need help, e.g. on #moin-dev on freenode IRC.

For openid, please have a look at the respective code yourself. We have
simple user auth with openid, we have openid server builtin and (IIRC)
there was some special stuff done by a ubuntu developer for some
launchpad stuff related to groups.



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