[Moin-user] Can one set the creation and modify dates of an article?

Chris G cl at isbd.net
Thu Feb 11 09:11:38 EST 2010

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 01:17:37PM +0100, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
> I think you are try to go the wrong way.
> Moin's edit-log timestamps reflect when a revision of some content was
> saved into the wiki. As that is an important timestamp for some
> applications, we are not going to implement any way to fake it.
Revision date doesn't actually worry me, it's the creation date.

> That timestamp does not (and does not have to) reflect when an event the
> written content refers to has happened.
Well, no, but nearly all of the 'sort by date' functionality in
moinmoin and plugins uses the creation date (or maybe last revision
date) to sort the output.

> What you maybe want to try is to use e.g. MonthCalendar and create pages
> with it. They'll have the date in the pagename as
> CalendarPage/YYYY-MM-DD format and thus can be sorted easily. You can
> also create such pages manually, of course.
Hmm, maybe, except that I really want descriptive names for the pages.

> Also, you can of course add <<DateTime(...)>> macros to the content. You
> have to provide some timestamp to the macro as parameter (see what
> @DATETIME@ creates when saving). Those macros can be used if you need to
> refer to specific points in time and render them as reader's localtime
> for international readers (but still refering to the same point in
> time).
But I can't sort output with these timestamps can I?

Chris Green

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