[Moin-user] Which elements containing old user data can I remove?

Greg Keith Greg.Keith at noaa.gov
Tue Jul 8 17:11:52 EDT 2008

Hash: SHA1
Hi all-

I recently updated several wikis from MoinMoin 1.5.7 to MoinMoin 1.6.3 
on RHEL 5.1, Python 2.4.3. At the request of our security guy, I also 
changed user authentication so that instead of using their MoinMoin 
CamelCase wiki account usernames, wiki users are authenticated using 
their ActiveDirectory usernames and passwords. So typically, usernames 
like GregButler are now gbutler.

However, I now have some user complaints that they are having error 
messages when they log in, such as:

AttributeError: User instance has no attribute 'aliasname'

...and that when they edit and then save changes to a page, when the 
page refreshes, their edits are lost.

I'd like to make a clean break between the old account names & profiles 
and the new info, if possible. I am wondering if any of these problems 
could be caused by users who are logging in with their old wikiname 
accounts, even after we have set up the new AD accounts for them. Is it 
possible that there are conflicts between cached old usernames and 
profile info in various places? If so, are there old cache items I can 
remove that Moin will re-create automatically? For instance, can I 
remove the:
/data/event-log file
name2id file
entire contents of /data/cache?
any other files?

Thanks for any help in understanding this!


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