[Moin-user] Macro caching

Nir Soffer nirs at actcom.net.il
Mon Oct 10 11:12:28 EDT 2005

To make a macro non-cahced, add this to the macro module:

Dependencies = ['time']

On 10 Oct, 2005, at 19:59, Antonios Christofides wrote:

> Hi, I have the following tricky problem.  I need the missing page to
> say
>     Page not found.  Since we have recently reworked our web site, it
>     is possible that the page you are looking for is at
>     http://old.web.site/path/of/this/request
>     [And the usual stuff about create new page, templates, like pages
>     etc.]
> In order to be able to get the /path/of/this/request, I wrote a macro
> which gets it from macro.request.request_uri.  The macro does work,
> but its result is being cached, so its result is something like
> "MissingPage#preview" or so.  How can I avoid that?  The default
> MissingPage contains a couple of other macros, that are not cached.

Best Regards,

Nir Soffer

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