[Moin-user] will moin-moin be adapted to my needs? (corporate wiki)

Olivier Mueller om-lists-wiki at omx.ch
Wed Mar 2 16:04:05 EST 2005

Bonsoir Yusuf,

Many thanks for your feedback! 

On Wed, 2005-03-02 at 15:26 -0800, Yusuf Abdulghani wrote:
> All that you mention can be done very easily with MoinMoin wiki and all 
> of them in one wiki. Use groups to group your users for access to 
> specific parts of your wiki. 

yes, just experimented that a few minutes ago, everything working as
planned with the ACL stuff: simple & easy. 

> The default permissions for each page will be set so read/write/admin 
> for the AdminGroup. For the rest of the users (Known/All), set it such 
> that no one can read any pages. Divide users into groups. Create a 
> "homepage" for each client and give read access to that page only to 
> the group(s) of users who should see it. On that "homepage", give the 
> users a button to create subpages (using "NewPage" macro) based on 
> templates whose ACLs are already set. This will ensure that your users 
> don't have to worry about ACLs.

ah, great: I was asking myself how to solve that "Customer creates
Subpage" problem  (which would now be visible by all, because other
people are not admins). So the next step in my MoinMoin trip is going to
be the Macros, thanks for the hint! 

> Hope this helps.

yes, merci! 
regards from frozen Zürich (-10°C),

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