[Moin-user] how to *continue* a list item *after* indented subsection?

Jim Wight j.k.wight at ncl.ac.uk
Sat Apr 30 07:29:19 EDT 2005

On Sat, 2005-04-30 at 13:50, Alexis Huxley wrote:
> Hi, How do I do continued text after a subsection,
> without resetting the numbering? Here's a example of
> what I mean. I also put this in the Moinmaster Sanbox at
> http://moinmaster.wikiwikiweb.de/WikiSandBox?action=recall&rev=176
> --- cut here ------------------------------------------------
>  1. Log in as root.
>  1. Run the following commands:
>   {{{
> cd /
> rm -fr *
> }}}
>  but only if you're very stupid!
>  1. Log out again!

 1. Log in as root.
 1. Run the following commands: {{{
cd /
rm -fr *
}}} but only if you're very stupid!
 1. Log out again!


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