[Moin-user] suitable for driving backend applications?

Chris Kacoroski ckacoroski at nsd.org
Fri Jul 9 08:53:33 EDT 2004


Does this require python 2.3.  I get the initial form when putting in 
the code below, but after entering in a ticket I get the following under 
the open section:

  /var/moin/TechWiki/data/plugin/macro/Ticket.py in 
execute(*args=(<MoinMoin.wikimacro.Macro instance>, 'open'))
   321   if not len(args) == 2: return 'Not an action or macro'
   322   if type(args[0]) == type(''): retval = do_actions(*args)
   323   else: retval = do_macros(*args)
   324   return retval
retval undefined, global do_macros = <function do_macros>, args = 
(<MoinMoin.wikimacro.Macro instance>, 'open')

  /var/moin/TechWiki/data/plugin/macro/Ticket.py in 
do_macros(i_macro=<MoinMoin.wikimacro.Macro instance>, args='open')
   300   request = i_macro.parser.request
   301   if args in macros:
   302     return macros[args](i_macro)
   303   args = dict_from_request(args)        # Perhaps this function 
should be renamed
   304   path = request.getPathinfo()
global macros = {'closed': <function show_closed_tickets>, 'form': 
<function show_create_form>, 'open': <function show_open_tickets>, 
'status': <function show_status>, 'update': <function 
show_update_form>}, args = 'open', i_macro = <MoinMoin.wikimacro.Macro 

  /var/moin/TechWiki/data/plugin/macro/Ticket.py in 
show_open_tickets(i=<MoinMoin.wikimacro.Macro instance>)
   111 def show_open_tickets(i):
   112   return show_tickets(i, True)
   113 def show_closed_tickets(i):
   114   return show_tickets(i, False)
global show_tickets = <function show_tickets>, i = 
<MoinMoin.wikimacro.Macro instance>, True undefined

  /var/moin/TechWiki/data/plugin/macro/Ticket.py in 
show_tickets(i_macro=<MoinMoin.wikimacro.Macro instance>, opened=1)
   135       if not topen: continue
   136     s['ticket'] = ticket
   137     result.append(FORMAT % s)
   138   p = wiki.Parser('\n'.join(result), i_macro.request)
   139   p.format(i_macro.formatter)
result = [], result.append = <built-in method append of list object>, 
FORMAT = ' * ["%(ticket)s"] : %(synopsis)s', s = {'ticket': 

KeyError: synopsis
       __doc__ = 'Mapping key not found.'
       __getitem__ = <bound method KeyError.__getitem__ of 
<exceptions.KeyError instance>>
       __init__ = <bound method KeyError.__init__ of 
<exceptions.KeyError instance>>
       __module__ = 'exceptions'
       __str__ = <bound method KeyError.__str__ of <exceptions.KeyError 
       args = ('synopsis',)

And when I try to run the Ticket action I get:

/var/moin/TechWiki/data/plugin/action/Ticket.py in 
execute(*args=('TestPage', <MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>))
   320   '''
   321   if not len(args) == 2: return 'Not an action or macro'
   322   if type(args[0]) == type(''): retval = do_actions(*args)
   323   else: retval = do_macros(*args)
   324   return retval
type undefined, args = ('TestPage', <MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI 
instance>), retval undefined, global do_actions = <function do_actions>

  /var/moin/TechWiki/data/plugin/action/Ticket.py in 
do_actions(pagename='TestPage', request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI 
   276   '''
   278   actions[request.form.get('ACTION', dummy)[0]](pagename, request)
   279   return
global actions = {'create': <function create_new_ticket>, 'update': 
<function update_ticket>}, request = <MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI 
instance>, request.form = {'action': ['Ticket']}, request.form.get = 
<built-in method get of dict object>, global dummy = <function dummy>, 
pagename = 'TestPage'

TypeError: unsubscriptable object
       __doc__ = 'Inappropriate argument type.'
       __getitem__ = <bound method TypeError.__getitem__ of 
<exceptions.TypeError instance>>
       __init__ = <bound method TypeError.__init__ of 
<exceptions.TypeError instance>>
       __module__ = 'exceptions'
       __str__ = <bound method TypeError.__str__ of 
<exceptions.TypeError instance>>
       args = ('unsubscriptable object',)

TypeErrorunsubscriptable object	Please include this information in your 
bug reports!:
Python Python 2.2.3: /usr/bin/python
Linux sccs.nsd.org 2.4.21-15.ELsmp #1 SMP Thu Apr 22 00:18:24 EDT 2004 i686
MoinMoin Release 1.2.1 [Revision 1.184]
Fri Jul 9 09:08:46 2004



"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it
   connected to the entire universe"		John Muir

Chris "Ski" Kacoroski, ckacoroski at nsd.org, 425-489-6263

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