[Moin-user] suitable for driving backend applications?

Brian E. Gallew geek+ at cmu.edu
Fri Jul 9 07:42:09 EDT 2004

Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> Can moin moin be used to develop applications?  For example, can I
> create forms that take input and process that input on the back-end in
> any similar fashion to using HTML and CGI?  Or is moin moin just
> targeted to creating collaborative documentation?
> If it can indeed be used to develop web applications, where can I find
> more information on that aspect of it.  Sample applications, API
> documentation, etc.  Anything would be helpful.

Attached is a simple trouble ticketing application I wrote last week. 
To enable it, drop this file in plugin/action and link it (or copy it) 
to plugin/macro.

Using it is pretty simple.  On the "summary page", add some text that 
looks like this:
= Open =
= Closed =
= New =

Filling in the form and submitting will create a new ticket (which will 
show up in the appropriate location).  There are probably more elegant 
ways of doing this, but it's my first real piece of Wiki development. 
In any event, this "appliation" is simply a way to create content in a 
structured manner.  If you are interested in dynamically generated 
content, then you'll be wanting to write a processor, or perhaps to move 
on to something like Twisted or Zope.
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