[Moin-user] Wiki Farms

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Wed Feb 26 10:05:06 EST 2003


> This may be a simple question but how exactly do you have two or more
> separate sites on a server?

You have to have a separate ScriptAlias (apache) for each wiki pointing 
to separate cgi-bin/moin.cgi (each with its own moin_config.py).

You only need one Alias "/wiki" if you share the standard icons, css 
etc. between all wiki installations.

If most config stuff is the same, you can put that into a farm config an 
import that one at top of each moin_config.py and define only the 
differences in moin_config.py afterwards while keeping the common stuff 
in farm_config.py (that has to be importable, so easiest is putting it 
into MoinMoin directory).

greetings, Thomas

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