[Moin-user] Wiki Farms

Roger Haase crosseyedpenguin at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 26 08:36:11 EST 2003

--- "Battersby, Alan" <alan.battersby at ntu.ac.uk> wrote:
> This may be a simple question but how exactly do you have two or more
> separate sites on a server? I am trying to use Moin here at NTU as a
> social
> collaborative document within the computing department. I started by
> setting
> up one site ok but a colleague has recently asked if he can also set
> up a
> site on the same server. Any help would be appreciated. I am not a
> python
> person so a reasonably complete explanation would be appreciated. The
> moin
> help is a little terse, what is in farm_config.py??? 

With only 2 wikis, using a farm_config.py is probably extra work rather
than less. It is a method that can be used to do mass changes for many
wikis, rather than repeatably setting the same options in many
moin_config.py files. My advice would be to ignore it until you have 5
or more colleagues wanting a wiki. With 2, you only have a garden.

You didn't mention your platform, so it is hard to be specific. In
principle, you need to understand the directories and files you created
and modified to enable the ScriptAlias for "mywiki" in Apache or IIS to
work.  Repeat parts of the installation process to create a "mywiki2"
directory as a sibling to the mywiki directory and add a second
ScriptAlias pointing to mywiki2.

I have recently rewritten
You might try reading that to see if it helps clarify what you need to
do. Note the creation of the "wikidata" directory is new and not
currently mention in the Unix docs.

Roger Haase

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