[Moin-devel] who keeps track of patches and releases

Fujio Nobori toh at fuji-climb.org
Thu Apr 29 08:26:15 EDT 2004


On Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 09:31:20PM +0200, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
> >I have seen several patches being submitted to the MOIN developer list 
> >to fix bugs and to enhance features. I am wondering who is keeping 
> >track of all these and if it will be released in the future MOIN update.
> Currently that's me and some other guys from #moin irc channel. ;)
> Every pure & clear & small bug fix will go into the tla branches 
> immediately.
> If it is unclear if the fix is correct, it might take longer. 
> Correctness means that the fix cures the source of the problem, not only 
> the symptom of the problem.

I am one of those who sent some patches to the list, and I
have been wondering how my patches were treated.

Probably my patches were unclear or wrong, or both, but how
can I tell if they were unclear or they just got into your
Trash folder automatically? :)  Just a comment from you is
very helpful for me.

Anyway, I am not sure where I should submit patches.
Mailing lists, MoinMoin Wiki site, or SourceForge?

   q|@.@|p          Fujio Nobori
 m. ( o ) .m        email: toh at fuji-climb.org

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