[Microbit-Python] Microbit in STEM

Rob Wilson rob at rwilson.org.uk
Tue May 31 07:08:20 EDT 2016

Hi Nigel
I like the idea of “sharing knowledge etc”. Maybe a STEM microbit 
wiki or something?

I like the spectrum analyser! I’ve had a vague idea to write a singing 
coach (analyse voice pitch and display difference to played tone) which 
would need a Fourier Transform like that. Not done anything about it yet 

> Hi Rob,
> I am a STEM ambassador with micro:bit too. I'm hoping that the 
> ambassador
> community can team up to share knowledge etc. but at the moment things 
> are
> a bit fragmented. I have a few things in the pipeline - there's a few 
> pics
> below and a video...
> https://imgur.com/a/Rn6Cr
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&persist_app=1&v=SE4Bb1NHyU4
> Nigel Kendrick
> aka Linker3000

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