[Microbit-Python] Availablility of Mu

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Wed Mar 23 07:28:15 EDT 2016

On 23/03/2016 11:01, Antony Watts wrote:
> It took quite a bit of scratching around to find Mu as a ready-to-go
> program to run on my Mac. But I found it.
> Why is this not on a proper web page? Why is it not downloadable on
> the BBC microbit page?

Someone else has pointed out the -- very recent -- http://codewith.mu
page which is the "home page" for the editor. I suspect, although I
don't know, that there is some politics involved, as the official
support is all via the TouchDevelop environment and unofficial solutions
such as Mu are unlikely to be advertised on the official microbit page.
I might be wrong.

The Microbit page on the Python website:


which is linked from the microbit pages does refer to the Mu editor.
That page is within our control while the microbit.co.uk ones aren't. So
changes there are definitely possible.

I was at a CAS MicroPython/microbit session yesterday in Maidstone and
I'll be feeding back to Nicholas (Tollervey) from that, especially
around a certain confusion between using the Python editor on the
TouchDevelop site as opposed to the mu editor locally.

> Seems a shame as it looks like an excellent beginners program.
> Especially with all the support on the Python Help pages.

That's certainly the idea (good for beginners), so it's good if it comes
across that way. Feedback will also be appreciated via its github pages:



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